Boys No Good’s “Never Felt Better” Arrives Today!

Boys No Good’s Indianola debut is out today. If you are looking for “Never Felt Better” in stores try Hot Topic, FYE, Newbury Comics, Bull Moose and a ton of other great chains. If you want it right now, click on this iTunes link and to order it, go to this Amazon link. The band is currently on tour with Take it Back! and Rust Belt Lights, followed by a stint with No Bragging Rights, It Prevails, Onward to Olympias and We are Defiance. Be sure to check to the left of the news to see if they are playing near you soon! A few interviews have surfaced at Pop Punk’s Not Dead and xEasycorex, be sure to check them out and learn more about the guys and what went into making the record. Finally, as mentioned last week, if you want to know more about what people are saying about the record, check out these early reviews:

“Bands like this can attract audiences of a wide variety, Boys No Good
should have no trouble winning attention with this great album”
-Outburn Magazine
“Their brand of punk rock molds pop and hardcore to create something very
entertaining, upbeat, and enjoyable.”
-AMP Magazine
“Never Felt Better manages to combine the best parts of hardcore and pop
punk, and create feel-good music that goes with their goal in mind.”
-The New Review
“Think of these guys as a mix of SET YOUR GOALS, FOUR YEAR STRONG, and
POLAR BEAR CLUB; there’s plenty of fun to be had when playing Never Felt
-Lexington Music Press
“It’s not often that a single album has the potential to appeal to a
diverse audience, but I believe this one hits the nail on the head.”
“The best way to describe Boys No Good and Never Felt Better is that they
are a rougher, edgier The Wonder Years. Do not be surprised if this band
keeps popping up everywhere in the next year or so.”
“If you’re sick of all the carbon copy Four Year Strong rip off bands, and
you want some authentic Hardcore Pop Punk, make sure you pick up this
album, you won’t be disappointed.”
-Pop Punk’s Not Dead
“It’s easy to become a fan of Boys No Good straight after listening to
this album and it’s extremely clear that they’re in this for the long
-Alter the Press!
“BNG and Indianola came together to put out a perfect unique blend of Pop
Punk and Hardcore, as can be heard on “Never Felt Better”.
-I Am A Stain Zine
“..this is a very enjoyable album. It has everything that makes pop punk amazing to those who love it..”
-Under the Gun Review
“Boys No Good are certainly a force in pop-punk and hardcore to be reckoned with.”
-Fuck Yeah Pop-Punk